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HR consulting / freelance assignments in HR, case management or in other fields
HR consulting / freelance assignments in HR, case management or in other fields
your advantages:
- Years of experience as a freelancer / external consultant in the areas of case management / job coaching / HR
- Flexible working hours after consultation
- Short-term relief for your company
- Externally at our premises or at your site
- CAS, Coaching / CAS, intercultural Coaching / CAS, personal-work-organizational psychology / E/MBA – Specialization in Personnel, Work, and Organisational Psychology
- Decades of management experience
- Clear definition of concepts and objectives
We would be happy to implement or optimise your HR processes or define the necessary or useful tools and processes for your managers and employees (based on the Employee Life Cycle). Often companies grow quickly, and what used to be easy to manage earlier now needs clearer processes. Or you notice that the line is inefficient or managers are not familiar with HR processes or HR tools or leadership methods, or there is a lack of resources in HR to build it. We support you in all operational areas of a classic Employee Life Cycle and implement or train managers, new HR managers and/or employees in recruitment processes (e. g. also interview techniques / difficult performance reviews / employee appraisals / job description / exit interviews etc.).
We are here to relieve you in your recruitment processes
As an external provider, we are happy to take over the extensive process of recruitment to relieve you. We have very good experience as external consultants in online recruitment.
Freelance assignments
Do you have scarce resources? Then we can also offer you assignments as an HR consultant, coach, or case manager. (Ask for a detailed curriculum vitae of the freelancer)